Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 2 Tokyo, Tsukiji Market

We started off day 2 with a delicious breakfast at the Hilton.  I ate all the smoked salmon :).  Then we went downstairs from the Hilton to the Subway (very convenient) and made our way to the world's largest fish market, Tsukiji Market! If you want upclose encounters with all sorts of fish and sea animals dead or alive, skip Sea World and go to the Tsukiji Market! The market was the liveliest market I have ever been to!  It was like Black Friday on roids.  There were lots of shoppers, lots of suppliers, lots of fish and lots of motorized vehicles speeding around.  A tip for anyone going in the future, wear closed toed shoes. 
Crossing the street to the fish market, very hard to do.

The motorized cart vehicles that almost flattened us, multiple times.


Biggest Blue Fin Tuna I have ever seen

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